Wide neck tons, round

Suitable for
Suitable for
  • Women
  • Men
Specific activity


<P>These air and water tight transport containers are perfect to take your equipment with you: food safe, impact resistant, sealable and with handy lid. The medium sized and large tons also make good stools. They are suitable for canoe and kayak tours, open vehicles, on roof racks and many other ways of transport. Some of them are nestable (depending on their diameter and neck opening). </P> <P class=details>Volume: <STRONG>3,6 liters• 6,4 liters• 10,4 liters• 15,4 liters</STRONG> | Dimensions: <STRONG>20 x 19,8 cm • 28 x 19,8 cm • 26 x 27,4 cm • 33 x 27,4 cm</STRONG> | Neck diameter: <STRONG>13,6 cm (3.6 liters and 6.4 liters) • 20,4 cm (10.4 liters and15.4 liters)</STRONG> | Material: <STRONG>polyethylene</STRONG></P>